As a trainer, have you ever wondered why the information you provide doesn’t always “stick?” What do you know about memory? Take this quiz to find out
Articles Tagged ‘Workshop facilitation’
Can a Room Kill You? Yes!
Presenters, prevent “Death by Room”! These three tips will help ensure your physical space works with you instead of against you.
How to Blow Your Credibility from the “Get-Go”
When you are speaking in front of a group, do you really want to blow your relationship with the audience immediately? These two common presentation behaviors will help to ensure that you do! Myth #1: You should start a presentation by thanking your audience or your hosts Picture it: You’ve prepared carefully and are about …
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How Do You Know They Know? Designing In-Class Assessment
How serious are you about your students actually learning? Most of us would say, “VERY serious!” Yet many trainers and instructional designers actually have no idea what, and even if, participants have learned by the end of a session. Because trainers operate in organizations and businesses, we typically don’t issue grades. Even in preparing participants …
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So You Want to Do a Seminar!
Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner? Have you been asked to present at a professional conference? Giving a great seminar can increase your business, your status, and your memorability. Yet most professionals don’t feel 100% comfortable with their ability to develop and deliver an effective seminar. Here are 3 tips to ensure your …
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“I Thought I Would Die!” How to Deal With Stage Fright
First, let’s surface what you probably already know: • Americans rank the fear of public speaking far above the fear of death (41% to 19%, respectably.) Way overused by speaking coaches, this statistic was first reported by the London Times in 1973 in a survey of 3,000 Americans. • No one has actually ever died …
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How to Help Adults Learn Best
Three Keys to Help Them Stretch! Here’s something for you to try. (C’mon, I’ll wait for you to get out of your chair!) Stand up and stretch your right arm out behind you, as far as it will go. (You may turn your body as you do so.) Now, come back to center and relax …
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Games, Simulations, and Roleplays: Do Differences Matter?
Which would you choose…and when? Long ago, I discovered I loved experiential learning and wanted to learn more about simulations. As a trainer in 1981 Thailand, I experienced the famous “Ba-Fa-Ba-Fa” cultural simulation. It blew me away! Years later, with great hopes, I attended an ASTD-sponsored workshop called Experience Simulations. To my disappointment, the workshop …
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