Don’t Do a Data Dump! After stumbling a bit, most presenters are able to name the purpose of any presentation they might give. However, most really stumble when asked if their presentations are meant to persuade anyone of anything.The answer, 99% of the time, is YES. And yet most presenters don’t realize it. As a …
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Articles Tagged ‘Language’
All Presenting is Persuasive
Five Tips to Present Like a Pro
How to Rise Above the Crowd Over the last five years, I’ve noticed a dramatic change in the field of presentation skills. Increasingly, experts support the idea that being a “good enough” speaker is no longer “good enough.” Mere competency as a speaker is no longer enough to sell your ideas, bring communities together, or …
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So You’ve Been Selected
6 Tips for Conference Presenters “Someone’s got to do something, and it’s just incredibly pitiful that it has to be us.” — Jerry Garcia Some are chosen, some are forced…but in the end, most business professionals present at industry conferences, annual meetings, or other events during the course of their careers. Please allow me to …
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Speakers’ Top 3 Fears… and How to Prevent Them!
Avoid the worst-feared pitfalls of public speaking. Will you be giving a presentation or seminar soon? Many professionals choke up when they begin picturing all that “could go wrong!” To avoid the worst-feared pitfalls of public speaking, you must start with oxygen. Fritz Perls said, “Fear is excitement without the breath.” Breathe! Then, accept and …
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Tips for the “Intensified You”
Does this sound like you? “I’m a fine communicator one-on-one, but put me in front of a group and I just die!” Why is it easier for many of us to present in front of a few people than to a larger audience? Why do many of us believe that some people just “have what …
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